inewtrition – Food Product Development Company

Give food waste a second life: Upcycling & value chain innovation

growing in test tube

 The Challenge: – Upcycled products utilise ingredients that otherwise would not have gone to human consumption, are procured and produced using verifiable supply chains, and have a positive impact on the environment. The past decade has seen an increase in plant-based alternatives, oat milk, electric cars and compostable packaging. The food system is transitioning from […]

Ensure your food business catches the wave with early signals & trends

A pair of glasses reflecting a colorful assortment of fruits and vegetables

What would you be able to achieve if you could correctly identify the right up-and-coming trends for your business or category? It would likely make a big difference to the overall strategic decisions you make as well as inspire different product innovations and ideas. In turn, this could lead to more confident and successful first-to-market […]

What a Good Project Manager Will Do for your Food Business?

food business consultant benefits

What do you think the common denominator is between the most successful projects in the food industry? There are a lot of potential responses to this, but for me, the common denominator is a good Project Manager for their food business. When referring to the Food & Beverage or Health & Wellness industries, in particular; […]

How to Close the Food Innovation Gap

healthy foods

What is an Innovation Gap? An ‘Innovation Gap’ occurs when the belief in the importance of food innovation for future success is present within an organisation or brand.  But that same organisation or brand is not satisfied with their current level of innovation. This gap between what they know to be important and true (i.e. […]

Food Enzymes Food Waste Remediation

Enzymes Tailored Activities for Application in Functional Food Matrices

Enzymes comprise globular proteins that catalyse biochemical reactions. In simple terms, food enzymes help the body begin the process of digestion by contributing to the breakdown of food components into smaller nutrients that can be more easily absorbed into the bloodstream. The global market, according to Intertek [1], for industrial enzymes is valued at $5.5bn […]

Guide – Functional Food Packaging Innovation

Avocado, a cereal and a brown packaging

The food packaging you choose isn’t just about what looks good on shelf. You also have to consider functional elements like how it will work to contain and protect your product in the short and long-term. As well as how convenient and easy-to-open it is for the consumer. And if it effectively communicates the purpose […]

Botanical Ingredients Bring Cleaner Labels


Botanical Ingredients As a result of the global pandemic, consumers have begun to look after themselves more. And there is an increased understanding that our health begins with our nutrition. For this reason, botanical ingredients have broken through the trend barrier. They are becoming more commonplace in premium product development projects for functional food brands […]

Alternative Protein Innovation Moving Mainstream

alternative protein

According to a McKinsey report, the market for alternative protein is valued at approximately $2.2bn compared with a global meat market of approximately $1.7 trillion. Given that the market for meat has been around significantly longer than the market for alternative proteins, this shows impressive growth from a relatively new segment. The opportunities in the […]

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