inewtrition – Food Product Development Company

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Customised Nutrition -
A Commercial Opportunity

Customised Nutrition - A Commercial Opportunity

Are you ready to transform the way you approach food and beverage product development? Say goodbye to the one-size-fits-all mentality and embrace tailored product solutions. 

Customised nutrition is the future of the food and beverage industry, and the intersection of technology and nutrition is opening up endless possibilities. Elevate your brand, delight your customers, and optimise well-being with inewtrition’s full brochure and consultation package.

Innovation in Customised Nutrition: A Brief History

Make the first step towards transforming your food and beverage products with our free download designed to provide you with a brief overview of the customised nutrition landscape. This preview will give you a taste of what awaits in our full 48-page report. 

Download now for free and uncover:

  • The increasing importance of tailoring nutrition to targeted consumer needs and preferences.

  • The forces shaping the latest trends in customised nutrition as a commercial opportunity.
  • The challenges of on-demand innovation crucial for companies to navigate.

Are you excited to take the plunge into the world of customised nutrition? Click ‘Download free brochure’ below, enter your details and you will receive an email with your copy.

Customised Nutrition: A Commercial Opportunity​

Ready to dive deep into the heart of the customised nutrition revolution? Unlock the full potential of your food and beverage products with our comprehensive 48-page report. Authored by inewtrition founder and renowned food scientist, Dr. Raphaëlle O’Connor, this in-depth report will equip you with everything you need to know to stay ahead in this market.


What’s included in the full brochure:

  • The complex factors shaping the customised nutrition category.

  • Exploration into the seismic changes leading to new opportunities for generative innovation.

  • The unique challenges and opportunities in the product development process, and how to build strategic relationships essential for success in this cutting-edge field.

  • The eight key criteria that deliver the greatest chance for success in customised nutrition.

  • And much more!

With the purchase of the full brochure, you will also receive a bonus 1-hour consultation with Dr. Raphaëlle O’Connor herself. Get personalised advice and answers to your specific questions to ensure you implement the knowledge effectively in your business.

Purchase the full brochure and consultation package for only €490. Click on the ‘Download full brochure’ link below, complete the payment form and you will receive an email with a link to schedule your 1-hour consultation and also a link and password which you can use to download your full copy of our brochure. 

Innovation in customised nutrition brochure

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"Customised nutrition - a commercial opportunity"

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