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Reagent-free allergen detection: a game-changer for food safety

Picture of by Dr. Raphaëlle O'Connor

by Dr. Raphaëlle O'Connor

Raphaelle has over 25 years’ experience in the ideation,
development, and commercialisation of food chemistry,
food science, food technology, and nutrition.

Allergen near infrared detection

Food allergies are a growing concern worldwide. They affect millions of people and can pose serious and even life-threatening health risks. As the number of people with food allergies increases, it becomes crucial to ensure that food products contain accurate allergen information. Traditional methods of allergen detection often target specific allergenic proteins or DNA, which makes it challenging to detect multiple allergens simultaneously. These methods are also time-consuming, labour-intensive, and require specialised technicians.

However, a recent scientific study conducted by the University of Illinois has introduced a groundbreaking solution that could revolutionise food safety in the industry. By harnessing the power of near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and advanced data analysis techniques, the researchers have developed a rapid, accurate, and reagent-free method for detecting multiple allergenic ingredients in gluten-free flour. Let’s dive into the details of this compelling innovation and its potential implications for the food industry.

The Power of NIR Spectroscopy

Near-infrared spectroscopy, or NIR spectroscopy, is a powerful analytical technique that has applications in various fields, including food science. It works by examining the interactions of near-infrared light with the molecular components of a sample. NIR spectroscopy generates vast amounts of complex data, but advanced data analysis techniques such as multivariate analysis can extract valuable insights, leading to the identification of target components, and accurate predictions as to their effects.

allergen infrared

The Breakthrough Study

The University of Illinois research team embarked on a study to explore the application of NIR spectroscopy for allergen detection in gluten-free flour. The researchers aimed to develop a rapid and reliable method that could detect multiple allergenic ingredients simultaneously. By utilising a benchtop NIR system and a filter-based NIR spectrometer, they analysed the spectral characteristics of gluten-free flour samples containing allergenic ingredients like sesame flour, peanut flour, and wheat flour.

The researchers employed partial least squares regression (PLSR) combined with different spectral pre-processing methods to develop an accurate predictive model. Through careful analysis, they identified only nine dominant wavelengths that were crucial for allergen detection. This optimised PLSR model demonstrated outstanding performance, accurately predicting multiple allergenic ingredients in gluten-free flour with an impressive coefficient of determination (R2p) of 0.99 and a root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) of 3.25%.

Comparison to Existing Methods

To assess the efficacy of their model, the researchers compared it with a similar model that utilised filter-based NIR data consisting of only ten spectral bands. The results revealed that the PLSR model developed with the selected nine wavelengths outperformed the filter-based NIR model. The former achieved an R2p of 0.96 and an RMSEP of 6.32%, demonstrating superior accuracy in detecting multiple allergenic ingredients in gluten-free flour.

Implications for the Food Industry

The findings of this study offer promising implications for the food industry. The reagent-free nature of NIR spectroscopy eliminates the need for specialised reagents and reduces time and cost associated with traditional allergen detection methods. By developing a low-cost, miniature sensor using the selected wavelengths, the researchers have opened doors to the possibility of implementing rapid allergen detection devices in food processing facilities. This breakthrough technology could significantly enhance food safety protocols, enabling the real-time monitoring and prevention of allergen cross-contamination during processing.

The University of Illinois research team’s study on reagent-free allergen detection in gluten-free flour using NIR spectroscopy and multivariate analysis represents a significant leap forward in food safety. By harnessing the power of advanced analytical techniques, they have developed a rapid and accurate method for detecting multiple allergenic ingredients simultaneously. This innovation not only ensures the wellbeing of individuals with food allergies but also offers entrepreneurs and food startups a valuable opportunity to enhance their quality control processes. With the potential to develop affordable, portable allergen detection devices, the future of food safety is brighter than ever before.

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