Power of open innovation for the food and beverage industry
Many food companies desire to innovate to meet consumer demands and stand out from competitors. But innovation doesn’t always come easily.
That’s why many turn to a little extra help. Read on to learn how open innovation can help boost your business and how to do it the right way…
How to Close the Food Innovation Gap
What is an Innovation Gap? An ‘Innovation Gap’ occurs when the belief in the importance of food innovation for future success is present within an organisation or brand. But that same organisation or brand is not satisfied with their current level of innovation. This gap between what they know to be important and true (i.e. […]
Benefits of Biotransformation in Building Innovative Food Products
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXZDkJvmyGMBiotransformation is defined as the chemical alteration of elements such as nutrients, amino acids, toxins, and drugs in the body. It’s important to take into account from a food science and product development perspective because of the way different nutrients and ingredients will react to one another in the body. This affects different elements of […]
Could Clean Science Innovation be a Post-Pandemic Food Solution?
First of all, let’s start with what clean science innovation refers to. When I talk about clean science innovation in relation to the food industry, I refer to the exploration of the relationship between science and nature. The clean science concept is a relatively new idea particularly relevant to converging products and merging industries. To […]