inewtrition – Food Product Development Company

Breakthrough sensor for drink spiking detection: a testament to interdisciplinary science

Martini with an ominous shadow of a hand in the background

A sensor developed by 18-year-old Angie Fogarty to detect drink spiking incidents not only addresses a pressing societal issue but also exemplifies the interdisciplinary nature of food and beverage science. This remarkable innovation highlights the collaborative efforts of scientists from diverse fields, underscoring the evolving landscape of food science as a cross-disciplinary endeavour. By bridging […]

Consumersā€™ motivations and expectations toward functional foods

A pair of glasses reflecting a colorful assortment of fruits and vegetables

Having a healthier life, living longer, looking fit, having the satisfaction of opening a beautiful package, or simply eating something tasty. What makes people buy functional foods among so many options they find on the market? This article will discuss customersā€™ motivations and expectations when purchasing functional food products. Furthermore, it will paint a picture […]

Power of open innovation for the food and beverage industry

The power of open Innovation - Blog image

Many food companies desire to innovate to meet consumer demands and stand out from competitors. But innovation doesn’t always come easily.

That’s why many turn to a little extra help. Read on to learn how open innovation can help boost your business and how to do it the right way…

Sugar Reduction Innovation Hitting the Sweet Spot

Sugar Reduction Innovation Hitting the Sweet Spot (1)

A mindset shift has occurred over the past year. And many businesses are realising that those who do not innovate, do not move forward. Innovative companies are more profitable in the long run so a clearly defined innovation roadmap can be a large part of the pathway to success in our Covid-impacted world. This type […]

Sensory Science for Consumer-Centric Product Development

Sensory science

The effective use of sensory science has the power to elevate your product development process and give you that competitive edge to gain success in the market. Putting the consumer first in the new product development process is key to greater success. Unlocking the answers to what it is that consumers want will help to […]

Flaxseed: nature’s best-kept multifunctional ingredient.

Closeup of raw flaxseed

When we think of superfoods, we tend to think of exotic, novel-sounding ingredients as being better than the common products that are readily available such as broccoli, berries, beetroot or oats. This article will focus on one such superfood ā€“ flaxseed ā€“ which goes by the Latin name ā€˜Linum Usitatissimumā€™Ā and means ā€œmost usefulā€. I want […]

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