inewtrition – Food Product Development Company

Processes and tools

From qualitative to quantitative analysis, and beyond.

Investors and partners in the food and wellness industries face the challenge of making sound investment decisions within a rapidly evolving landscape. Navigating this complexity requires a mixture of qualitative and quantitative analysis.

Qualitative analysis

Qualitative analysis provides a descriptive survey of high-level topics, providing a basis for the understanding of complex topics and the direction of subsequent action. Qualitative research can be recursive. This means that, as new insights emerge, the ongoing collection of qualitative information may change the direction of the analysis to which it belongs. This allows qualitative research to be both responsive and adaptive.

At inewtrition, we not only make sure you get the right answers, we make sure you ask the right questions. We drill down to understand the fundaments of your goals, then situate those goals within a framework of expertise built across decades of experience within the food and wellness industries. We can alert you to unexpected risks and emerging warnings or trends, and put you in the best possible position to make the kind of informed decisions that will reap the greatest rewards.

However, qualitative analysis on its own cannot provide the demonstrable evidence necessary for the commitment of significant resources. To validate the theoretical conclusions of a qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis is required.

Quantitative analysis

Quantitative analysis uses historical data, market trends, consumer insights, and other relevant information to make forecasts, evaluate risks, and estimate potential returns. This process enables analysts to assign justifiable values and probabilities to each element along a potential value chain. These assignments will quickly highlight the areas of greatest risk, and suggest the mitigation strategies necessary to overcome them.

Quantitative analysis can provide a strong basis for informed decision-making, but a further level of analysis can provide even greater clarity. The integration of qualitative and quantitative analysis leads us to the consideration of real options.

Real options analysis

Real options analysis is a comparison tool, where different courses of action are imagined and examined. The scope-setting and recursive characteristics of qualitative analysis combine with the data-driven values and probabilities of quantitative analysis to provide a comprehensive strategic overview.

Investment decisions must adapt as market conditions evolve. Real options analysis identifies and evaluates options embedded within strategic decisions, such as the options to expand, delay, abandon, or modify a project. Additional techniques such as decision trees and Monte Carlo simulations can be employed to further refine, test, and assess the value of these options and make more informed decisions.

inewtrition uses these tools, among others, to build case/feasibility studies that support effective decision-making by industry shapers and leaders. We help you meet the challenge of making key decisions while mitigating risk, allowing you to optimise your portfolio management, maximise returns, and achieve long-term success.

End-to-end (E2E) project support

We have built a fully integrated E2E project management process to support a wide array of innovation activities in five key areas.

1. Network support

We can plan your manufacturing network to support your commercial and innovation portfolios. This may include capacity and resource planning.

2. Pipeline support

We can optimise strategic decisions on assets that are in development and not yet commercialised. This may include format and scale assessments, site selections, technology transfer, product delivery team portal decisions, and more. We can also engage with modality advancement teams and similar portfolio-level activities, as well as the evaluation of new and emerging technologies.

3. Commercial support

We can supervise decisions related to the life-cycle management of commercial product portfolios, including the introduction of new SKUs, regional exploration, commercial manufacturing site changes, and more.

4. Business resilience support

We can help you defend against a variety of disruptive events. Risk management can help you address issues proactively. Preventative processes can allow you to recover more rapidly, bolstering your own business while capitalising on unprepared competitors. A business cannot prosper if it doesn’t survive.

5. Business development support

We can provide insights into development material costs, scenario planning, resource optimisation, network capacity impacts and more, aiding you in key decisions about how to grow your business.


inewtrition offers a range of due diligence tools that can help you analyse every aspect of your business. We assess without bias and compile findings with clear decision procedures and verifiable data. Visibility into our process is guaranteed at every step, as is complete confidentiality. We understand the trust our clients place in us, and strive to reflect the value of that trust in everything we provide.

Together, let’s create the future of food.

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