inewtrition – Food Product Development Company

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Food Enzymes Food Waste Remediation

Enzymes Tailored Activities for Application in Functional Food Matrices

Enzymes comprise globular proteins that catalyse biochemical reactions. In simple terms, food enzymes help the body begin the process of digestion by contributing to the breakdown of food components into smaller nutrients that can be more easily absorbed into the bloodstream. The global market, according to Intertek [1], for industrial enzymes is valued at $5.5bn […]

Guide – Functional Food Packaging Innovation

Avocado, a cereal and a brown packaging

The food packaging you choose isn’t just about what looks good on shelf. You also have to consider functional elements like how it will work to contain and protect your product in the short and long-term. As well as how convenient and easy-to-open it is for the consumer. And if it effectively communicates the purpose […]

Creating Healthier Functional Foods Through Reformulation

creating healthier functional foods

  With every year that passes, we better understand the effects and impacts our nutrition choices have on our bodies and on our minds. Nutritional and food science studies are constantly discovering new insights and learnings that help us improve the foods and beverages we produce. It would be therefore unrealistic to assume that brands […]

Innovation Workshops for Functional Food & Beverage Businesses

Clean Science Featured Image - innovation workshops

Food innovation workshops in the age of disruption develops your ability to innovate by generating more ideas and putting them into action. When you know how to develop a single, end-to-end framework for testing innovative ideas, and understand how an organisation that is defined by and developed around innovative execution, can adapt itself to foster […]

Can a Food Product Development Consultant Help You Innovate?


Developing new food and beverage products can often be an overwhelming task which is why more and more elements of that process are being increasingly outsourced to people like me – a food product development consultant. With this rapid increase in demand for food product development consultancy comes a confusion of what it is we […]

Consumption Rituals: Consumer-Centric Innovation Approach

Food means different things to different people. For some, it is merely a source of energy and is seen as fuel. For others though, food is a large part of their daily routine, so much so that other activities are often planned around mealtimes and other consumption rituals. Food can be a connector. A conversation-starter. […]

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