inewtrition – Food Product Development Company

How to elevate your product innovation

Elevate product innovation

Raphaëlle is the Founder and Director of inewtrition, with over 25 years of food innovation experience, as a food product developer, working internationally for start-ups and multinationals in converging products for consumer health. Here she talks about the factors that contribute to successful product innovation in the food and beverage industry and how an industry […]

Gut health: The gateway to wellness

Gut health - Blog image

Gut health is becoming a concern for consumers who want to improve their body systems,  with 45% of them considering it to be extremely important to the body’s health, according to a recent study by Health Focus International…

Ensuring Food Safety & Quality in Product Development

ensuring food quality

When it comes to food safety and quality processes there are many factors to consider. This blog will look at a few of those factors in the context of producing results that can accelerate innovation and create sustainable and more consumer-centric products in the process. The purpose of having strong and stable systems in place […]

Glossary of Terms for Food Tech Businesses

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The following is a non-exhaustive list of useful industry terms that may be helpful to owners and teams of food businesses who are just starting out or who would like to keep up to date with certain terms and phrases often used within the food industry. Adaptogens are generally defined as any ingredient that can […]

Innovation Workshops for Functional Food & Beverage Businesses

Clean Science Featured Image - innovation workshops

Food innovation workshops in the age of disruption develops your ability to innovate by generating more ideas and putting them into action. When you know how to develop a single, end-to-end framework for testing innovative ideas, and understand how an organisation that is defined by and developed around innovative execution, can adapt itself to foster […]

Benefits of Biotransformation in Building Innovative Food Products

nutrition image is defined as the chemical alteration of elements such as nutrients, amino acids, toxins, and drugs in the body. It’s important to take into account from a food science and product development perspective because of the way different nutrients and ingredients will react to one another in the body. This affects different elements of […]

Can a Food Product Development Consultant Help You Innovate?


Developing new food and beverage products can often be an overwhelming task which is why more and more elements of that process are being increasingly outsourced to people like me – a food product development consultant. With this rapid increase in demand for food product development consultancy comes a confusion of what it is we […]

Consumption Rituals: Consumer-Centric Innovation Approach

Consumption rituals

Food means different things to different people. For some, it is merely a source of energy and is seen as fuel. For others though, food is a large part of their daily routine, so much so that other activities are often planned around mealtimes and other consumption rituals. Food can be a connector. A conversation-starter. […]

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