inewtrition – Food Product Development Company

US approval of stem cell meat paves the way for a revolutionary future of food

Lab-grown chicken on a plate surrounded by laboratory equipment

According to the Good Food Institute, global investments in alternative proteins, including cultivated meat, reached $2.9 billion in 2022, indicating a substantial commitment from investors. Now, in a groundbreaking development, the United States has granted regulatory approval for the production and sale of stem cell meat, marking a significant milestone in the realm of alternative […]

How to elevate your product innovation

Elevate product innovation

Raphaëlle is the Founder and Director of inewtrition, with over 25 years of food innovation experience, as a food product developer, working internationally for start-ups and multinationals in converging products for consumer health. Here she talks about the factors that contribute to successful product innovation in the food and beverage industry and how an industry […]

Gut health: The gateway to wellness

Gut health - Blog image

Gut health is becoming a concern for consumers who want to improve their body systems,  with 45% of them considering it to be extremely important to the body’s health, according to a recent study by Health Focus International…

Power of open innovation for the food and beverage industry

The power of open Innovation - Blog image

Many food companies desire to innovate to meet consumer demands and stand out from competitors. But innovation doesn’t always come easily.

That’s why many turn to a little extra help. Read on to learn how open innovation can help boost your business and how to do it the right way…

Ensure your food business catches the wave with early signals & trends

A pair of glasses reflecting a colorful assortment of fruits and vegetables

What would you be able to achieve if you could correctly identify the right up-and-coming trends for your business or category? It would likely make a big difference to the overall strategic decisions you make as well as inspire different product innovations and ideas. In turn, this could lead to more confident and successful first-to-market […]

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